Our Services

Equipment / Plant Sourcing

The team at FIMA has combined experience of over 20 years in waste collection and treatment equipment sales. The founding members of the firm have both worked for and been agents for industry leading OEM manufacturers from the EU zone. In Ghana alone, the principals of the firm have supplied equipment to treat over 4000 tons per day of municipal solid waste as well as provide mobility solutions for waste management clients in the country. The principals of the firm have leveraged their networks to provide the fit-for-purpose capital goods our clients require to drive projects in the waste space across the Middle East, Europe and Africa. We have built a solid reputation with equipment suppliers across the various equipment suppliers in the solid, liquid and organic waste spaces and this is a key value add in or service provision to our clientele. Our key expertise is in the provision of proven technologies in the waste sector, however, with our extensive engineering capacity in-house, we are able to provide solutions for clients outside of the waste treatment space that have specific requirements. The key is to always ensure that we provide the right solutions with the best fit to local market conditions and constraints.

Access to EU Financing

One of the core strengths of FIMA is our ability to provide our clients in Sub-Saharan Africa access to European debt markets backed by Export Credit Agency support. Our track record speaks for itself; FIMA has successfully over the past 5 years, provided over €60 million of ECA backed financing into West Africa for waste treatment infrastructure. The team over the years has developed strong working relationships with both lenders and Export Credit Agencies across Austria, Slovenia and Germany, allowing us to maximise on efficiency in seeking out the best possible options to fund projects on the continent. As lending rates on the continent continue to remain high and sometimes prohibitive to project development, our focus is to ensure that our clients have access to key funding for their projects at the best possible rates and with the best terms to ensure success of project execution. At the core of our ethos is to ensure seamless access to cheap capital while at the same time ensuring strict timelines are adhered to in order that projects remain financially viable.


At FIMA, we believe that sustainable strategies that help growth and innovation in our clients businesses are as essential as the ability to adapt to rapidly changing environments. Our approach is to understand the issues and challenges as well as the opportunities faced by our clients both in the private and public sectors and leverage our local knowledge and global expertise to introduce and deliver strategies that deliver results. The FIMA advisory team has over 30 years of experience in engineering design and consultancy across various industries ranging from agri-business to industrial plant manufacturing. We provide our clients with insights on project viability as well as help regulators and institutions develop appropriate strategies at the high level to achieve their institutional objectives. We have engaged with players on the public policy side as well as private operators and our access to both sectors means we are able to address the concerns and issues of both sides efficiently and with the right strategies to ensure maximum benefit.

After Sales Development

FIMA supports its OEM partners establish lean and efficient service centers in Sub Saharan Africa;

Equipment Sales

The team at FIMA has combined experience of over 20 years in waste collection and treatment equipment sales. The founding members of the firm have both worked for and been agents for industry leading OEM manufacturers from the EU zone. In Ghana alone, the principals of the firm have supplied equipment to treat over 4000 tons per day of municipal solid waste as well as provide mobility solutions for waste management clients in the country. The principals of the firm have leveraged their networks to provide the fit-for-purpose capital goods our clients require to drive projects in the waste space across the Middle East, Europe and Africa. We have built a solid reputation with equipment suppliers across the various equipment suppliers in the solid, liquid and organic waste spaces and this is a key value add in or service provision to our clientele. Our key expertise is in the provision of proven technologies in the waste sector, however, with our extensive engineering capacity in-house, we are able to provide solutions for clients outside of the waste treatment space that have specific requirements. The key is to always ensure that we provide the right solutions with the best fit to local market conditions and constraints.